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What You Don't Know About Money Can Hurt You!

Money and the Bible fills a gap in today's financial literary works. While there may be books giving advice, many are missing pieces of the monetary puzzle. This unique book pulls together the necessary ingredients to give you what's been missing.

Chapters include:

What is Money?   The Money Changers   The Fed   Bailouts Bring Bondage   Oil and Energy

Global Banking and You   When Money Fails   Financial Shackles or Freedom?

"The sections about End Times living and End Times oil are worth the price by themselves!"

From The Back Cover

Our economy is on life support! How will it affect you? Is there a future for the American dollar? What is going on behind the scenes in world finance? Does oil play a part in the End Times? Do America, the EU, and China have anything to do with a global currency? Geopolitical events, spiritual matters, and international monetary affairs all are related. Knowing the Bible helps to make sense out of today's news. Learn practical financial application for living today. Avoid financial and spiritual disaster. Today is the time to get prepared – don't put it off! This book is also about faith and matters of the heart and is for such a time as this.

James (Jamie) Utter is a pastor, author, and teacher. Raised on a small farm, he served in the United States Navy, including Western Pacific deployment. He received a Doctor of Ministries degree from Tyndale Theological Seminary (Fort Worth). His experience includes church planting, teaching at a Christian High School and working in the Texas oilfield. Jamie and his wife, Ruth, have two children and make their home in Lincoln City, Oregon.