James Utter
James Utter is the site author for The Revelation Road. James (Jamie) was raised on a small farm in southeastern Indiana. After living a reckless teenage life, he recognized his great guilt before a holy and just God. Realizing he deserved eternal punishment in hell, he acknowledged his sin before the Lord. He understood Christ died on the cross for him, was buried, and rose from the grave the third day. Jamie trusted Jesus Christ as his Saviour when he was seventeen.
Jamie did not have a steady church background prior to salvation. He was exposed to the gospel by attending a few summer vacation Bible schools and visiting Sunday School from time to time. Now being born again, he immediately had a deep thirst for the Holy Bible. Reading it over and over, daily Bible reading became the first and most important discipline for this new and growing Christian. By the grace of God Jamie was saved and now growing in Christ.
Making a public profession of faith in a local church, he soon enlisted in the United States Navy. The Navy move allowed Jamie to meet his wife as he was stationed near her home town in Washington State. After four years he received an honorable discharge and began attending college. Being a Hospital Corpsman in the Navy, he majored in Biology. After much service in a local Bible-believing church, he was led of the Lord to begin pursuing Bible Institute training. Not desiring to leave the location, he began taking extension classes from Tyndale Biblical Institute (Fort Worth). Continuing with diverse local church service and extension classes, he was at the point he needed to attend seminary. By this time he and his wife had two children. The four moved to Texas so he could attend Tyndale Theological Seminary in Fort Worth. There he finished his theology courses and studies in Hebrew and Greek. He received an Associate in Arts and Sciences degree from Olympic College, a Bachelor Level Diploma of Biblical Studies from Tyndale Biblical Institute, a Graduate Diploma of Biblical Studies from Tyndale Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministries degree from Pacific International University in association with Tyndale Theological Seminary.
In secular work along the years Jamie has done a host of interesting jobs including (some prior to and some after salvation): general farm work with cows and horses, breaking a horse to ride and breaking one to drive a cart, projectionist at a Drive In theater, landscaping, commercial fisherman in the Gulf of Mexico, Hospital Corpsman USN (including Western Pacific deployment), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), various other hospital technician work, several types of construction, sprinkler repair service, work in the Texas oilfield, merchandiser, RV service technician, RV sales, manufactured & modular home sales and teaching English as a second language TESOL. The Lord has enabled him to travel to all 50 states.
Jamie is a pastor, teacher, and author with a heart for evangelism. He has been a private Christian High School teacher, principal and administrator; homeschool dad; church planting pastor (missionary); and a senior pastor. He and his wife have two grown children and reside in Lincoln City, Oregon.
“For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward.” 2 Corinthians 1:12