Bible Issues Today
Doctrines That Are Pressing Hard Upon Bible-Teaching Churches In Our Time
Orthodox View | Confusing Teaching |
The Bible is the Word of God | The Bible contains the Word of God |
The Bible has been perfectly preserved - we have God's Words | We are just now finding God's Words through textual criticism |
The canon is complete - the Bible is finished | Prophets or prophetesses give us yet more revelation |
A prophet gives God's very words and prophets no longer exist today | Redefines definition of a prophet to just being a good Bible teacher |
Salvation is by simple faith alone, not by works | Lordship Salvation is required, adding works to saving faith |
I do the believing - my Saviour does the saving | Saying a prayer without admitting one's sin will save (Easy Believism) |
The fundamentals of the faith are necessary for fellowship | Cast aside the basics of the faith for the sake of unity |
The gift of tongues (languages) ceased by the time the Bible was written | Tongues may be for today (perhaps for mission work in another language) |
The Authorized Version is God's Word in English | God inspired the Authorized Version (Ruckman view) |
The Bible is sufficient for my mindset and my behavior | Psychological counseling is needed since the Bible does not fully help |
Bible-trusting pastors & friends help one another with life's problems | Reformed counseling must be added to conquer sinful habits (Jay Adams) |
Jesus Christ died for all - we must tell everyone in the world | Christ did not die for every person in the world (Reformed doctrine) |
We recognize the universal Church which is the body & bride of Christ | Only our church is valid - the only bride of Christ (Landmarkism severely limits communion and only acknowledges baptisms done in their church) |
Stays true to the traditional/preserved original languages | Uses varying texts based upon the Westcott & Hort hypothesis |
Uses Christ-honoring sacred music unlike the world | Blends traditional and worldly music or uses worldly music only |
Understands the believer's identification with Christ - in Christ | Looks to methods or programs for self-sanctification (addiction groups etc.) |
I am crucified with Christ - I have already died with Christ (positional truth) | I die daily - I must crucify myself and my sinful nature (denial of position) |
The local church is God's program for leadership training & missions | Mission agencies, seminary, Bible college, societies are more important than church - The church takes a back seat to parachurch ministries |
Believes God created everything in six literal days | God used a great amount of time to create - Gap Theory, Day-Age Theory |
I wear my Sunday best to honor God and show him reverence | I dress the way I want, usually casual and trendy (disrespectful) |
Mount Calvary is the only altar of sacrifice I claim | I go to a pagan rock altar of sacrifice to help me |
Prayer meeting is faithfully attended and cherished | Contemplative prayer is what we need to get into |
The Dispensation of Grace began in Acts 2 with the Spirit's baptism | The Dispensation of Grace began later with Paul (Hyperdispensationalism) |
The Dispensation of Grace could not begin until after Christ shed his blood, was resurrected, and ascended into heaven to send the Spirit | The Dispensation of Grace began with Christ's earthly ministry (Hypodispensationalism) |
There are at least three Dispensations - Law, Grace, and the Kingdom | There are only the Old Dispensation and the New Dispensation |
Israel and the Church are two different groups with distinct programs | The Church has replaced Israel - The Church is spiritual Israel |
The first covenant named in Scripture is with Noah | The Covenants of Works and Grace predetermine our beliefs |
Noah escaped a world-wide flood - only eight survived | The flood in Noah's day was only local - he didn't need to build an ark |
Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God | Jesus Christ became the Son at the incarnation or at some other time |
Christ's blood is required for our salvation | Christ's death is only necessary, not his blood |
Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man | Jesus Christ is God but not man - Or - he is man but not God |
Jesus Christ will return before he sets up his Kingdom on Earth | We are in the Kingdom now - we are building the Kingdom (without the King even being physically present on Earth) |
The Kingdom has a real King (Jesus), real estate (the land of Israel), a people (saved Jews & Gentiles), a capital (Jerusalem), & a throne (seated in Jerusalem) | The Kingdom is only spiritual and not physical - the Jews were mistaken when they were expecting a literal Messiah to rule in Jerusalem over Israel |
God is in control of all things - the sovereign Lord actually is sovereign | God does not know the future - we need to have an open view of God |
The lost are responsible to believe in the Lord for salvation | The lost cannot believe until regenerated (saved prior to salvation) |
Those saved are eternally secure - we have a perfect saviour | Those saved may become unsaved - our saviour can't keep us safe |
Water Baptism shows that a believer is one who trusts his Lord | Water baptism saves - The blood of Christ is not enough |
The Lord could come for his Church at any moment | The Lord will pour out his wrath upon his beloved Church |
If it is God's will, I may be healed from this sickness or disease | It is God's will for you to be healthy all of the time |
If I work hard and God blesses then I might enjoy material blessings | It is God's will that every Christian be rich and wealthy in this life |
God's honor and glory determine what I can do and how I do it | Reaching the lost by any means possible is our top priority |
Success means obeying God's written Word at all times | Success means a big church, a big building, and a big budget |
God has reserved the roles of Pastor and Deacon for men only | Women may teach the Bible to men in some situations if they are called |
Hell is a literal place of never-ending fire and torment for Christ-rejecters | A loving God wouldn't send anyone to hell |
I should be careful to abstain from all appearance of evil | I can have a beer if I want to - who are you to judge me? |
I am careful not to forsake the assembling with other Christians | Let's cut back our church services so we won't bother busy families |
Note: The orthodox view represents Bible doctrines derived from a literal hermeneutic,
from taking the Bible to mean what is says, while using common sense.
Generally speaking, if the church you attend honors those things in the orthodox column, you most likely are trying to honor the Lord. However, if the church you attend favors those things in the other column, you may be straying away from the one God who loves you. Please give a time of prayer and study to these matters. May we choose to honor the Lord in the days in which we live.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
James Utter