When thinking about using a translation other than the King James Bible,
I must ask myself these questions.
1. Why do I want a Bible with many of the verses missing?
2. Why do I want a Bible with footnotes which give doubt to the text?
3. Why do I want a Bible which my grandparents would not use?
4. Why do I want a Bible which fuels the church growth movement?
5. Why do I want a Bible which goes hand-in-hand with worldly music?
6. Why do I want a Bible which continually needs to be updated?
7. Why do I want a Bible which has more syllables for harder reading?
8. Why do I want a Bible which doesn't translate pronouns precisely?
9. Why do I want a Bible which does not use the best Hebrew text?
10. Why do I want a Bible which does not make use of the best Greek?
11. Why do I want a Bible which God has not providentially kept through time?
12. Why do I want a Bible that causes division, doubt, and confusion?
13. Why do I want a Bible which so many believers do not trust?
14. Why do I want a Bible which very few, if ever, commit to memory?
15. Why do I want a Bible that is different than the Reformation era?
16. Why do I want a Bible that is constantly changing and being revised?
17. Why do I want a Bible which goes to Rome for its text and answers?
18. Why do I want a Bible which does not use the most choice words?
19. Why do I want a Bible that believers rejected when first published?
20. Why do I want a Bible that disregards the majority of manuscripts?
21. Why do I want a Bible made by some who do not believe the Bible?
22. Why do I want a Bible that is doctrinally weaker on key issues?
23. Why do I want a Bible which has not stood the test of time?
24. Why do I want a Bible that is not poetic nor sings to the heart?
The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. Psalms 12:6-7
James Utter