God's Creation

Creation or Evolution?

A Helpful Chart Considering Foundational Differences Between Biblical Creation and the Theory of Evolution





In the beginning God

In the beginning Nothing

God is the source of space, time, & matter

Unknown origin for space, time, & matter

God made everything from nothing: Ex Nihilo

Physical world must have made itself

The Lord made everything in six 24-hour days

Billions of years necessary for current life

Man and woman were made in God's image

Man and woman evolved from rocks (over time)

Man and woman uniquely created on the same day

Male and female must have evolved simultaneously

Mankind has dominion over the animals

Humans came from animals

Order created: plantssun, fish, birds, land animals, man

Order evolved: sun, plants, fish, birds, land animals, man

Living beings created with a special structure & function

From nothing to rocks to primordial soup to life into other life

All the organism's components created complete & functional

Has no explaination for irreducable complexability

God spoke the world into existence

Big Bang: nothing exploded into existence

God made rules for man and decides right & wrong

People decide their own rules and there is no right or wrong

Creation cannot scientifically be redone (it is a religious belief)

Science does not observe evolution (it is a religious belief)

Fossil evidence agrees with creation model of the universe

Fossil evidence in conflict with evolution model of the universe

Mutations are only scrambled information & normally fatal

Mutations are a source of change from one being into another

Great variety is expected within all kinds of animals

Variety is proof of one animal changing into another animal

Medical science based on non-changing anatomy/physiology

Evolution has not contributed to medical advancements

Predictable natural laws consistent with the Bible and God of order

Unchangeing natural laws inconsistent with evolution

Monkeys cannot change into humans

The Missing Link is still missing

Who am I?  God made me and I am special

Who am I?  I am just a part in the evolutionary process

How did I get here?  I am created unique by God

How did I get here?  From primordial soup and I am insignificant

Why am I here?  I am to know God and glorify Him

Why am I here?  There is no special reason why I exist

Where am I going when I die?  Heaven or Hell

Where am I going when I die?  No place, just to the dirt

God created people with a spirit

When strictly adhered to must reject that man has a spirit

God is love and wants us to have joy & peace

Cannot define abstract things such as love, joy, and peace

God is life and life comes from God

Has no definition of life & cannot explain death

There was no death before the sin of man; sin brought death

Believes there was death before man was ever evolved

The intelligent Lord designed the universe

Random chance made order from disorder

Life comes from life; living beings make living beings

Life comes from non-life; living beings come from non-living

The record of Creation in Scripture never changes

The theory of evolution is constantly evolving

God is in control over all and people are subject to God

Man is in charge of himself: humanism

Has history from the beginning of time (nothing is prehistoric)

Claims there was history before there was history (prehistoric)

A truth given of God easily found in the Holy Bible

A recent man-made belief not found in the records of time

Creation gives glory to God the Creator

Evolution gives glory to man


In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1

Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth  Ecclesiastes 12:1a


James Utter