About 80% of Bible references Israel | About 20% of Bible references the Church |
A Nation | A Body |
Began with Abraham | Began with Baptism of the Spirit |
Consists of Jews only | Consists of Jews & Gentiles |
Head is Abraham | Head is Christ |
Must be related to Jacob | Not necessary to be related to Jacob |
God made five covenants with Israel | The Lord made no covenants with the Church |
Promised Land | No Land promised |
Has a special position on Earth | Has a special position in Christ |
The nation is a witness | Is a witness among the nations |
The nation is centered in Jerusalem | The church began in Jerusalem |
Looking for the King at the 2nd Advent | Looking for the Bridegroom at the Rapture |
The temple is in Jerusalem | The temple is in every believer |
Partakes in all of Daniel's 70 weeks | Partakes in none of Daniel's 70 weeks |
Male children circumcised | Circumcision not required |
Required to keep the Sabbath Day | Not commanded to keep the Sabbath Day |
Required to keep the Law of Moses (now canceled) | Required to keep the law of Christ |
Referred to as the wife of Jehovah | Referred to as the bride of Christ |
Membership determined by physical birth | Membership determined by spiritual birth |
In dispensations: Promise, Law, Grace, Kingdom | In dispensations of Grace & Kingdom |
On Earth during the Tribulation | In Heaven during the Tribulation |
James Utter