The Modern State of Israel

Developments From AD 70 - 1948

Gentile Events

Jewish Events

AD 70 destruction of the Jerusalem Temple by the Romans

Bar Kokhba Jewish revolt against Romans -135

Diasopra - Jews scattered throughout the world

Holy Land renamed Syria Palestina (Palestine) by Romans

Roman Empire in control of Middle East

Muslims conquer Israel - build mosques on Jewish temple mount

Byzantine Empire in control of Middle East

Jews expelled from Spain

Arabs in control of Middle East

Pogroms (Jewish persecution) in Russia

The Crusaders invade the Middle East

Immigration of Jews from Russia to Holy Land

Egypt has control over Middle East

French persecution of Jews

Ottoman Empire (Turks) control Middle East

Theodore Hertzel write "The Jewish State"

Balfour Declaration 1917 by British announcing support for Jewish homeland

First World Zionist Congress

British Mandate given by League of Nations British Empire controls Israel

More immigration of Jews from Russia to Holy Land

United Nations recognize two states in Israel's Land

Adolph Hitler ruler of Germany

British Mandate ends 1947

Jews immigrate to Israel from Germany

The Holocaust - 6 million Jews murdered especially in Germany

Israel independence declaring State of Israel 1948

James Utter