Gentile Events | Jewish Events |
AD 70 destruction of the Jerusalem Temple by the Romans | Bar Kokhba Jewish revolt against Romans -135 |
Diasopra - Jews scattered throughout the world | Holy Land renamed Syria Palestina (Palestine) by Romans |
Roman Empire in control of Middle East | Muslims conquer Israel - build mosques on Jewish temple mount |
Byzantine Empire in control of Middle East | Jews expelled from Spain |
Arabs in control of Middle East | Pogroms (Jewish persecution) in Russia |
The Crusaders invade the Middle East | Immigration of Jews from Russia to Holy Land |
Egypt has control over Middle East | French persecution of Jews |
Ottoman Empire (Turks) control Middle East | Theodore Hertzel write "The Jewish State" |
Balfour Declaration 1917 by British announcing support for Jewish homeland | First World Zionist Congress |
British Mandate given by League of Nations British Empire controls Israel | More immigration of Jews from Russia to Holy Land |
United Nations recognize two states in Israel's Land | Adolph Hitler ruler of Germany |
British Mandate ends 1947 | Jews immigrate to Israel from Germany |
The Holocaust - 6 million Jews murdered especially in Germany | |
Israel independence declaring State of Israel 1948 |