Postmodernism: How It Affects The Church

W h a t  i s T r u t h ?

T h e  O n s l a u g h t  o f  P o s t m o d e r n i s m


The following article sketches the trend of postmodern thought over the last generation or so.  It is a brief picture showing how this mindset with its missing standards has influenced our society. There is nothing new under the sun, including the core elements of postmodern thinking. Below are basic definitions which will help get a grasp of what is going on in our culture and why society is heading down the road it is.


Orthodox Bible Believer - He believes the Bible is the Word of God; the Bible is Truth; interprets the Bible in a literal, plain, normal, common sense manner; believes in the historic Christian faith based upon a literal interpretation of the entire Bible.


Modernism - Modernists hold to liberal views of Scripture. They deny that part of or the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God. They instead believe the Bible contains the Word of God and they reject that the Bible is the Word of God. Usually they deny certain supernatural aspects of the Bible such as a literal Creation, the virgin Birth of Christ, and other miracles. Man’s reason determines truth (which varies with the interpreter). They usually believe Jesus is a good teacher is but not the eternal Son of God. Many believe in universal salvation (everyone is automatically saved in the end apart from any personal faith in Christ). Many believe Jesus is not the only way to Heaven and other religions have a ligitimate way to Heaven also. They reject orthodox Christianity.


Postmodernism - This term means that which comes “after modernism.” This is a movement denying absolute truth. Postmodernists deny objective truth exists; reality is in the mind of the beholder, every person is blinded and biased by his culture, there is no universal authority, upholds experience and subjective thought over rational decision making, nothing can be taken at face value, the only value is that which one creates


General Evangelical Timeline

This timeline generally shows the predominant thinking among Bible believers in America.  It emphasises the trend of thinking which moves from sound thinking to rejecting any absolutes.  For the most part, the older generation has held more to Bible-based standards.  The middle generations demonstrate a remarked transition away from Biblical morals.  The younger crowd has all but jettisoned any Bible authority in life.


Grandparents - (those who are age 65+) We know what the Bible says, what is right and wrong. We made positive steps to expose beliefs not in accord with the Bible and to remove ourselves from modernism. 1940-1960 were roughly their predominant years for learning life's moral standards.


Parents – (those between the ages 40-65) We also know what the Bible says and what is right and wrong. However, sometimes our parents were strict or stuffy. We know better but are willing to compromise. We will compromise Bible beliefs only to a degree in order to reach the younger people. We will not correct or separate ourselves from all postmodern beliefs. 1960-1980 were the main years this generation developed their beliefs of right and wrong.  1960 is represented in bold because this is the decade prayer and Bible reading way thrown out of much of public life.  Although there are certain aspects the Bible is still allowed, it is more tolerated rather than accepted.


Young families – (those in the age bracket 20-40) We embrace change. Who are you to tell us what to do? We reject the old traditional way of doing things. Everyone is right. No one is wrong. The only one who is wrong is the one who holds to a literal Bible interpretation and follows it. Many doubt even there is a God. We are a postmodern generation. These people formed their values during 1980-2000.


Teens and children – (those people who are 19 and younger) This is perhaps the first Godless generation in our land (even anti-God in many cases). Postmodern thought will most likely be pervasive at all levels of society one day. If this trend continues, the outcome is predictable and terribly unfortunate. It will dismantle Biblical Christianity from all aspects of public life.  The religious substitutes which will replace Christian morals and values will be shocking.  Those believing this way received their values being raised in a secular culture after the year 2000.


The following table demonstrates some of the contrasts between three ways of viewing the Bible and morals  While these views can be present anywhere and at anytime, a trend in ideas becomes apparent.  Generally speaking, the older generations are represented on the left and the youngest generations on the right.  The first compromising generations would be represented in the middle of the chart.  


B i b l e  V i e w

M o d e r n  V i e w

P o s t m o d e r n  V i e w

God is the Center

Man is the Center

All Things are Equal

We Know Truth

We Doubt Truth

Truth is Unknowable




Meanings are Fixed

Meanings are Questioned

Situation Determines a Meaning

Bible is Understood

Bible is Downplayed

Bible is Not Understandable

Absolutes are Sure

Absolutes Determined by Man

There are No Absolutes

We're on Bedrock

We're on a Cracked Rock

We're on Shifting Sands

Theology Once for All

Take Another Look at Theology

Theology is Trendy

Authority from God

Authority from God and Man

Authority from Man’s Culture


How Postmodernism Affects These Areas

Advertising – Commercials no longer are founded upon a product’s advantages, but now is based on emotion & experience.

Marriage and Family – The roles of husband, father, wife, mother, & children confused; there is a new definition of family.

Politics – Constitution a ‘living document’ & changes with the times; "it depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is."

Education – No failing grades; dumb down science and math; less critical thinking; the 3 R's take a back seat to sports.

Morals – There is no right or wrong, we do what we want; "who are you to judge me?, but I don't feel it is wrong."

Sports – We don't keep scores because we don't want to offend anyone; there are no losers, everybody is a winner.

Church – The pastor no longer declares “Thus saith the Lord”; we don't want to hear the Bible but what sounds good to us.

Bible Study – Common rules for interpretation are not maintained; its now "what do you think or feel this means to you?"

Christian Living – Christians unstable, with no power, no peace, showing unrest, & with interpersonal relationship problems.

Church Outreach – Let's give ’em what they want so we can get them in; don’t offend by mentioning sin, hell, or judgment.

Language – Words are being changed to gender neutral; this is even happening with some newer translations of the Bible!


Helpful Verses When Dealing With Postmodernism


* The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that    doeth good. Psalm 14:1

* By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil. Proverbs 16:6 (Psalm 100:5;    119:142; 151 Proverbs 3:3; 22:21; 23:23 Eccl. 12:10 Isaiah 25:1)

* Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. John 17:17 (2 Timothy 2:15)

* God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4:24 (Jn. 1:14, 17)

* And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32

* Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 (Eph.    4:21)


In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes. Judges 21:25


James Utter