L A W | G R A C E |
The Law was given by Moses. | Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. |
The Sabbath was given only to the nation Israel. | The Christian under grace is not commanded to keep the Sabbath. |
The Sabbath is part of the 613 laws given to Jewish Israel. | The Christian is not required to keep any of the 613 laws of Israel. |
The dispensation of the Law lasted from Moses to the Cross. | The dispensation of Grace began at Pentecost, ends with Rapture. |
The Sabbath was under the dispensation of the Law. | The Sabbath is not repeated under the dispensation of Grace. |
The Ten Commandments were given to the nation Israel. | Nine of the 10 Commandments are repeated in Church letters. |
The Sabbath was part of God's covenant with Israel. | The Sabbath is not repeated in the NT for the Christian to obey. |
The penalty for breaking the Sabbath was death by stoning. | The NT doesn't name any penalties for Sabbath breakers. |
The Sabbath was the last day of the week and a day of rest. | The church met on the first day of the week in the NT. |
The Sabbath had its pattern after the creation week. | The first day of the week honors Christ's resurrection. |
The Old Testament is replete with Sabbath keeping examples. | The Church letters do not have examples of Sabbath keepers. |
Israel is a nation and could only keep the Sabbath as a nation. | The Church remembers the first day of the week, the Lord's Day. |
Israel had a covenant relationship with God called the Mosaic Law. | Christians are not under the Law of Moses, but under Grace. |
[Ex. 31:14; Numb. 15:32-36; Jn. 1:17; 20:1; Acts 20:7; Rom. 6:14; 14:5; Gal. 4:9-10; Col. 2:16-17; Rev. 1:10]
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday,
or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Colossians 2:16
James Utter