Tongues Had To Cease

Tongues Were a Temporary Gift

...whether there be tongues, they shall cease

1 Corinthians 13:8

F i v e  R e a s o n s   W h y  T o n g u e s  H a d  T o

C – E – A – S – E

C ovenant relationship between God and Israel - Tongues were a sign of judgment for unbelieving Israel. When God's judgment was completed, culminating with the destruction of their temple in 70 A.D., God's purpose for tongues also ceased.

E nd of the canon of Scripture - When the New Testament was completed, ending with the book of Revelation, there was no longer any need for a confirming sign.

A uthentication of Christ's chosen Apostles - After the Lord authenticated who his Apostles were and the message they were speaking, there was no further need of the gift of tongues. When God's authenticating work was finished, tongues were finished as well.

S eparating the foundational period of the Church - Tongues were operational in the beginning of the church age, but ceased with its maturity. Tongues were a temporary foundational gift.

E vidence of historical cessation of the gift of tongues paralleled the disappearance of other miraculous gifts - Church history bears record that the gift of tongues has already stopped.

When God's purpose for this gift ceased, God removed the gift. 

(adapted from an unknown source)

James Utter