No matter where you travel around the country, people like to drink carbonated beverages. These cold refreshing drinks are called by different names in different regions. Some call this drinks "pop." Would you like a pop? Sure, what do you have? These kinds of conversations take place all the time, especially as the outside temperatures rise in the heat of the summer. Other people call the same drinks "soda." Would you like a soda? Sure, what do you have to offer? Still others call the same thing "soda-pop." All these terms refer to the same thing, a carbonated flavored beverage. Yet, some even call this drink something else. They call it a "coke." Coke is a brand name, but in this use, it takes on another meaning. Many in the Southern regions refer to a carbonated drink this way. We know the term "coke" has taken on a more general meaning when one must make it more specific. Someone will ask: "Do you want a coke?" If you reply yes, the next question is "What kind?" What do you mean what kind of Coke, I thought there was only one kind. In some places, the word coke has taken on the same meaning as pop, soda, and soda-pop. The kind of coke you may be offered could be an orange, a root beer, a cola, or a number of other choices. Do you want a coke? What kind?
The Bible has a similar situation with the word wine. Wine has more than one meaning and the way it is used determines which definition to use. Wine is used over two-hundred times in the Bible. It is used in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. In a general sense, wine is something which comes from the vine. Substitute the "w" for a "v" and the close similarity of these two words becomes more clear. Wine is simply a drink which comes from fruit which grows on a vine. The predominant fruit of the vine in Bible times was grapes. Even when one speaks of the fruit of the vine today, the first fruit that comes to mind are grapes. Fruit of grapes are pressed, or squeezed, to get the juice. Many applications come from the juice of grapes. If the fermentation process is halted, such as by refrigeration or freezing, the grape juice does not become alcoholic. There are older, even ancient methods, to ensure the fermentation process does not take place. It is easy to see that the first product from squeezed grapes is non-alcoholic grape juice. This juice was called wine. It is the same juice we buy in the store to serve at the breakfast table. Many claim that grape juice is good for the heart, and has other beneficial qualities as well. Healthy, refreshing, grape juice is called wine in the Bible. Another kind of wine is fermented wine. This process goes beyond just making grape juice. Fermentation normally is a process that takes time. It is a process subsequent to the pressing out of the juice. Fermentation makes alcohol. Drinking fermented grape juice causes intoxication. Fermented grape juice, which contains alcohol, is also called wine in the Bible. This wine will impair the one who drinks it. Both non-alcoholic wine and wine which contains alcohol are included in the Bible. The context will tell you which. So, if the Lord mentions wine in the Bible, we need to ask ourselves, what kind? What kind of wine is the Bible speaking of, intoxicating wine, or healthy, refreshing wine (juice from grapes). The surrounding words and verses will tell to which wine the Lord is referring. It is not that difficult to learn which wine because the context will normally give a positive benefit or a negative outcome. Let's look at a few examples to see if we can see the difference.
Intoxicating Wine Multiplies Problems in Life
And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. Genesis 9:21
The wine Noah drank, caused him to be drunken (inebriated). In a stupor he stripped off his clothes so we was lying around naked. This is not the common action of one who drinks grape juice for breakfast. The wine obviously contained alcohol and contributed to poor moral behavior.
And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. Genesis 19:33
Lott and his daughters had just escaped Sodom's destruction. God had marvelously pulled him out from the judgment of that corrupt city. Now, his daughters wanted to have perverted relations with their dad (incest). They needed help in convincing their father of this immoral deed. They gave him wine. Lott had was so drunk with wine that he did not even know what was going on. His wicked daughters used alcohol to perform their ungodly deeds. This reference to wine is certainly that which contains behavior-changing alcohol.
Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, nor thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die: it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations: And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean. Leviticus 10:9-10
The priests of Israel were not to drink alcoholic wine. Neither were they to drink strong drink (spirits). Those in leadership positions were to stay clear of alcohol. By their example they showed what was acceptable (holy) unto the Lord. By abstaining from alcohol, they also pointed out that which was not acceptable (unclean) to God.
James Utter